Thursday, 30 April 2020

Mathematical Mazes

Kia Ora Bloggers,

One of our mathematical thinking challenges this week has been to create a maze.  The instructions are here in this video and in the screenshot from our Wednesday Maths activity below.

We used the geoboard app from the math learning centre to create our mazes.  Our creations are shared with you below. Have some fun solving these. You may need to pause the presentation to give yourself thinking time.  Think about the direction and math language you could use as you move through the mazes.

 How did you find our mazes? We would love some of your feedback.


  1. Hi Te Ana Ako, it Daniel.
    I had a good look at all of you mazes. They were really cool. I might even have a try myself! The only thing that I wasn't sure about was were to start and finish. Anyway keep all the good work up!

  2. Kia ora Te Ana Ako. AmAzEd with your mAzE creations! I had a go at solving them and I liked how very different each maze was. It did get me thinking about direction and calculation :) What did you find easy about creating your maze? Were there any challenges? I look forward to reading more blogs about your distance online learning. Tino pai!

  3. Good morning Te Ana Ako,
    I just had a look at the maze creations. They are really cool. How long did it take you'll to do them? I am sure Kakapo would enjoy creating some as well. I wonder if we could have a session of you teaching them how to create one when we all get back into our classrooms again?

  4. Hi Te Ana Ako,
    You have worked very hard to create your mazes and I’m sure you had lots of fun doing them. What did you find easy or tricky when you were doing this? Do you think you could make different levels of difficulty so some of the juniors could try them or harder ones for your mums and dads to try?
    Keep up the great work
    .Stay safe in your bubble and be kind to your whanau.
    From Mrs Mackenzie

  5. Hi Te Ana Ako
    Again, I love seeing how you are all using your creative thinking and learning at the same time to make these interesting mazes. I wonder if any of you have walked through an actual maze. I think there used to be one at Rainbows End. Maybe you could check out interesting mazes that have been designed in the different parts of the world.

  6. Kia ora Te Ana Ako. Wow I love the mazes. What a cool app! This reminds me of giving instructions to robots. This would be a great computational thinking lesson. Maybe some of you could write sets of instructions for how a robot would make it through the maze using your arrow keys and words like turn left and turn right? Or maybe you could use Scratch or another coding tool to make it into a game?

  7. Hi Kaiwhare, I like your mazes and I have done some mazes too. My favourite maze is Vivian's, how long did it take you to make? You can make one out of cardboard at home.


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