Friday, 13 November 2020

Production Dance

Kia Ora Bloggers, Our school, Waikowhai Primary has a production that we perform every two years. Last week we held our five performances of Jasmine and Aladdin at the Waikowhai Intermediate school hall. Our two classes, Kaiwhare and Mokoroa, performed dances as part of the overall production. It was a fabulous success. Here are a few photos of our classes in action. To find out more, please read our individual blogs and leave us some positive, thoughtful and helpful comments.


  1. Hey guys my name is Frank from the seniors I really liked your dance in the production. Also who taught you guys the dance because it's real good and what was your guys favorite part in production. Mine was when Giwiz first went on the magic carpet.

  2. Hi my name is Archie and i am in Waitemata. I was looking at the photos of you guys dancing yous have so meany colour full costumes! I really like it and the background it is so cool.

  3. Hello Mr Riceman! I'm Ros and I'm a Year 5 from Waitemata. I really enjoyed the dance it was very entertaining, I bet everyone enjoyed the dance too. I also liked the costumes. They were flashy, and they matched with the dance style. I hope you enjoyed the production, thank you for the lighting and sound. Blog you later!

  4. Kia Ora Mokoroa and Kaiwhare, I'm TJ and what I like about your blog is when you added the pictures of both of your classes. What you could do next time is re-read your post before you publish because I can see a mistake in the first sentence. You can visit my blog post's at: I'll comment on you next time. Bye!!!

  5. Kia ora Te Ana Ako. It's me Ibrahim from Te Waka Ako. You guys must have been tried after the production. I saw your dance and it was amazing. I really enjoyed reading your blog post. That reminds me of my own dance. Next time add more photos. Keep up the hard work you do. Blog ya later!

  6. Hey my name Kali,
    I was actually there watching your amazing performance. I wish we could of done that for our school but it was tough because of all the lock downs we have had and the things that have been happening this year. This reminded me of our production at our school. Next time you guys could add a video to the blog post. Besides that it was awesome and it amazed me!

    Nga mihi

  7. Hey my name is Kali,
    I was actually there watching the amazing performance you guys made. I wish we could of done something like that but because of lock down we were not able to do it. Next time you should add a video of your performance. This reminded me of our 2 year ago production. I really enjoyed watching your performance. I wish you guys the best!

    Nga mihi,


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