Monday, 20 July 2020

Week 1 - Matariki blog ponder

This week our learning focus is on Matariki.  As part of our reading programme, we are responding to this blog ponder today.  Have a read of the question then post your ideas in the comments below. Remember to be cyber smart and check your spelling and punctuation before you publish. 


  1. Maori New Year celebrations and feasts began with the next full moon after Matariki.

  2. The best time to see Matariki ia about an hour before dawn.

  3. I like the sign that says what is matariki.Matariki is my favourite day because you can see family + cousins.

  4. Y'know Matariki is the name of the 7 ⭐'s

  5. the seven stars of Matariki

  6. The best time to see Matariki is 1 hour before dawn

  7. Matariki is a festival of mores

  8. there is more than 30000000000000000 stars

  9. Matariki is a time to celebrate Maori New Year there is about 300 stars in a constellation. the best time to celebrate one hour before dawn the Closer the stars the colder it is the further away stars means it is going to be hot. there are 7 stars.

  10. 300 stars in a constellation only you can see 6 or 7 of them

  11. matariki is a New Year

  12. The best time to see Martariki is about an hour before dawn. Experts study stars. You can see stars at night.

  13. it is only one hour before dawn

  14. nobody nose how many stars there are taufa. the best time to see the 7 stars is 1h before dawn

  15. matariki is a time to celebrate

  16. seven star of shining represent matariki

  17. Its the Maori New year

  18. Matariki is a time to celebrate and get together with your family. When the stars are really close this means that it is going to be a colder year and when the stars a further away it is going to be a hotter year. When you see Matariki at dawn you then will know that the new year is coming and a start of a new beginning for you. There is more than 300 stars, but we only see about six or seven of them. MATARIKI

  19. The best time to see Matariki is 1 hour before dawn. If the stars are wide away from each others that means that it will be warm and there will bee lots of food, but if the stars are close together that means it will be cold and there will be less food.

  20. Matariki is the time to celebrate and is also the being of Maori new year.They are 7 stars that shine very bright.If the stars are close it can be cold and little food and when they are spread out they it should be warm.

  21. you usually go before Dawn😎😎

  22. matariki is about being with your family and sharing kai

  23. Matarki is a time for maori people and to spend time with your family,sibling,cousins and relatives.There are many stars in a constellation but you can see 7 or 5 of them

  24. hello Ashwin my name is Nicholas I like your Matarki day did you enjoy with your Matarki thank for your feedback

  25. Hello Ashwin my name is Aysha from Manukau in waikowhai primary school I know about the story of the seven sisters which from my opinion is Matarki. What do you know?

  26. We learnt about Matariki too. We made kites. we are hanging them on the ceiling.

  27. Hi Te Ana Ako Erana here I know that on Matariki some people usually have feasts and at dawn they usally go out and see the stars and Matariki. Another thing I know is there are seven sisiters and they are Matariki and heaps of books are about that we call it a myth. If you would like to visit my blog:

  28. hi Te Ana ako hiko Erana I have a great Idea for your matariki my class had a matariki feast maybe you guys could try that.


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