Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Term Two: Week One - Blog Ponder

This week, we will be starting Term Two using distance learning. This is where we are completing all of our activities at home.  We will be using our class site to access Reading, Writing and Maths the way that we normally do. It will be cool to use google meet to check in with our teachers and our friends in an online meeting.

The middle school also have a table of optional activities to complete.  One of these is a response to a blog ponder.  To complete this activity, you need to think about the question below and then write your response in the comment. 

Remember to think carefully about the message you share, the spelling and punctuation that you use and that you are being Cybersmart.  Have a look at the blog ponder and let us know what you think in the comments...


  1. It will be fun!!

  2. It is fine with me.

  3. I can see some positives that only affect me, eg. I can stay home with my cats, I'm not paying for petrol to travel to work and I can eat lunch whenever I like... BUT, I miss being able to do class activities like, think-pair-share, because only one of us can talk at a time on the screen. I miss being able to chat to students when I'm out on duty. I miss being able to visit classrooms and see a whole room full of students collaborating together. So this experience has been interesting, and I think we have made it work as well as possible - the staff and students are doing an incredible job of staying connected and supporting each other. We've had fun meeting each other online. We've learnt new skills. However, I think the biggest thing for me is - I miss you all. Stay safe everyone, keep in your bubble and remember to look after the other people and pets in your bubble too!

  4. I like using my chromebook at home for school but it is boring being at home. I miss playing with my friends

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It has been fun with my family. But I miss school and my friends. When do we get to go back to school?

  7. There are a lot of negatives and positives about working from home. I'll start with the positives: We don't need to make school lunches. We also don't need to change into our uniform or pack our bag. Another great thing about working from home is that we learnt how to use Google Meet. Staying at home is a great way to stop spreading germs or sharing a flu.

    The negative things about working from home is: That we don't get to play with friends or work together with classmates. It kind of stinks because it's my last year of Primary this year. Another negative about it is that we can't see family.
    Since we're in lockdown, I can't help my parents with shopping. I basically stay home for the whole day. The only time I get to get out of the house is when I need to excercise.

    I hope you guys are doing well at home. Stay home and make sure to wash your hands.
    One question I do want to ask is 'What do you think?'.

  8. i love you guys and dut i want to go school now

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. it is fun! i like to use chromebook at home.

  11. Hi Mr Riceman and Te Ana Ako Bloggers..... from Nelson
    This would be a tricky challenge I think. Just like Rael and Miss McGrath wrote there would be positives and negatives.
    One of the positives is, it has meant lots of people have had to learn and problem solve new technology skills to keep in contact with their families and workmates. Many people have also improved their fitness and got to look closely at the environment around them. This has helped people with their creativity. (writing, art and music) because they have had time.
    One negative aspect is not actually being able to see your friends in person and play games or sports with them.
    Stay safe everyone, keep in your bubble and remember to look after your pets too! They also will be finding this time a bit confusing.


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