Thursday, 3 October 2019

Term 3 Koru Art

Towards the end of Term 3 we integrated three areas of learning -
Geometry, knowledge of Maori Legends and Visual Arts.
*Our aim was to create a piece of art using koru motifs to
create an overall pattern.
*We first explored and drew koru shapes and kowhaiwhai patterns,
then chose one shape and used this to make a paper transfer.
*Using the paper transfer, we transformed the shape to show our
understanding of translation, reflection and rotation.This created a tile pattern on the 12 squares.
*After creating the outline of the tile pattern, we chose which
parts to make positive and negative spaces by colouring in with
a black vivid pen.
*The last part was to think about which dye colours to use to
create patterns within patterns.
*When you look at the final pieces of art, see if you can find...
warm colours, cool colours, block colours, blended colours
lines of patterns, chequered patterns, repeating patterns
*Enjoy viewing the process of our art creations.

Thank you for viewing our blog. We look forward to reading your feedback.


  1. Tracy Alexandra's Mum25 October 2019 at 22:01

    Hi Mokoroa
    I am soooo impressed with your Koru art and the process you went through to create these beautiful pieces of art. Well done with your creations and learning in Term 3. keep up the great learning.
    Tracy (Alexandra's Mum)

  2. hi there my name is Isaac I love your art you have done next time you could do like Samoan patinas or togan for a Chang if you would like to cheek my blog out it is blog you later bye.


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